PICKIT2 This project is completed tested and
working fine. But still the risk is completely yours.
(although nothing is serious other than USB port over
loading/short circuiting)
Assembling and testing
- Simply Built ART2003 programmer.(simple parallel
port programmer)
- Put the PIC18F2550 in the programmer and burn the
file PK2V021000.hex using WinPic800.
- Assemble the PICKIT2 circuit. Use bread board for
quick test or built PCB.
- Insert the programmer PIC18F2550 in the circuit
and start PICkit 2 programmer.
- The programmer should automatically detect the
hardware and ready for programming.
Trouble Shooting
- If Power LED not lit immediately disconnect the
programmer. Check the +, - pins in the USB side
- If PICKIT 2 programming software complaints about
communication error please check the USB pins
- If PICKIT 2 programming software complaints about
VPP voltage error please proceed to
Tools--->>troubleshoot and follow the